
Associate Professor in Organic Chemistry
University of Barcelona | Section of Organic Chemistry
+34 934 021 245
Carrer Martí i Franquès 1, 5th floor, 08028 Barcelona
office 559B – labs 548 & 552
Xavier was born and raised in Barcelona. In 2014 he received his PhD title from the University of Barcelona with the maximum qualification of Excellent Cum Laude. As a part of his doctoral training, Xavier performed a visiting research period in the group of Prof. Karl Anker Jørgensen, at the Center for Catalysis of Aarhus University (Denmark). In April 2014, funded by a Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowship, he moved to Imperial College London (United Kingdom) to conduct postdoctoral studies in the group of Dr. Jordi Burés. Subsequently, in November 2016, Xavier moved to the Department of Chemical Sciences at the University of Padova (Italy), where he was awarded a Supporting TAlent in ReSearch-Starting Grant (STARS-StG) to start his independent research. In autumn 2020, Xavier was appointed as a Lecturer in Organic Chemistry at the University of Barcelona. In November 2024, he was promoted to Associate Professor (Professor Agregat) in Organic Chemistry.
His research agenda is aimed at academic excellence and societal impact. It capitalises on the multidisciplinary skills and knowledge acquired during his academic trajectory in different top institutions across Europe. As a result, Xavier possess a unique combination of expertise at the forefront of synthetic organic chemistry, sustainable catalysis and physical organic chemistry. In summary, his research interests span from the better understanding of catalytic reaction mechanisms to the development of more efficient and sustainable catalytic transformations and their application in asymmetric synthesis.
Organic Chemistry
2nd year BSc Chemical Engineering, 60h | 2020/21 - present
Physical Organic Chemistry
MSc in Organic Chemistry, 30h | 2023/24 - present
Lab of Organic Chemistry
4th year BSc Chemistry, 80h | 2020/21, 2021/22, 2023/24
Basic Lab of Organic Chemistry
3rd year BSc Chemistry, 60h | 2020/21
Applied Chemistry II
1st year BSc Chemistry, 60h | 2022/23
Experimentation in Chemistry (Organic Chemistry)
3rd year BSc Chemical Engineering, 20h | 2022/23